Only 25 days to go!

Today I subbed for the elementary art teacher. Slept in until 7, got ready and headed out with a water, kombucha, carrot juice, and a green juice. All the classes went well until the last class of the day. 1st grade AHHHH! I do not know how teachers do that every day. I don't.

I didn't feel hungry all day until I went into the lunch room. Today happened to be pizza day. I literally thought about ending the fast day just to have the pizza and then I turned around and went and sat in my room alone drinking my juice. And now for dinner just thinking about chewing food makes my mouth water.

I can do this, I think. Didn't walk outside yesterday or today but I got lots of walking in at school so I'm counting that.

Ate a bowl of smooth curry soup for dinner. I feel a little bummed I did. Water and tea the rest of the night.


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