30 somethings...

Before I hit the share button on this little journey I want a few days or even weeks under my belt. I hate sharing something and then it fails miserably. Another shout out to how wildly creative my brain is but how uncontrolled my logic brain is. I am counting the days down backward as a mental exercise in starting big and decreasing...get that...let's hope I trick my brain on this one.

30 little somethings I observe about today because that's where it starts I think. It's just a theory at this stage. I get up every morning and start my day. Not paying attention to how I am really feeling. Rested, in pain, hungry, sick, good, light, etc. My goal today is to observe 30 things about me or these next 30 days.  Good or bad, knowing the reasons why to something or not.

1. I let myself sleep in today. I woke up about 7:30 and got out of bed.
2. I am NOT hungry, at all. I couldn't even think about making a juice. So I had a big glass of water and some coffee. I drink organic half caffeine so I will allow myself this.
3. My stomach feels weird, like it has to much stress hormone constantly leaking into it??
4. My neck is stiff.
5. My hands are stiff and hurt.
6. Counting out 30 days from now the only major thing I will "miss" in the way of celebrating with food is Mother's Day. I told myself that if I plan to miss a specific day before hand that would be okay. I will let Tom and the boys plan this day and I will eat within reason only on this day.
7. My goal is to research food so that at the end of this 30 days I will know how, when, and why I will then eat.
8. I am trying a new very natural shampoo system and my scalp itches. They say it's detox, we'll see.
9. I read my Bible sitting next to my Happy Light, it's gloomy out today.
10. I enjoy journaling...today...we'll see about tomorrow.
11. I called my parents this morning. I didn't feel angry during the call which is good, normally I do.
12. My head, nose, and throat are congested (since I am gluten sensitive yet eat it I think this is coming from that).
13. Juice 1 today is from Chris Beat Cancer (no I don't have cancer) with the addition of Pure Radiance C, Further Food Collagen, and Psyllium Husk Powder at 10:00am. It is very filling because of the collagen and psyllium husks. 28335887_1680081298701974_5378020916989606531_o.jpg
14. I am thankful after a year of not being able to walk much because of a ruptured fascia I am able to again! Now the long walk of losing the extra 10 that crept on.
15. Flossing every day is a must! As you age saliva calcifies the plaque on your teeth faster and more bad bugs in your mouth are correlated with thickening carotid arteries.
16. Moisture for your skin matters more so as you age. My grandmother use to bath in baby oil as a nightly shower ritual. She added to her cleaning duties after her shower as it sure made the tub a hard zone but I remember her skin always looking supple and soft. While I won't suggest using baby oil I will advise moisture in the form of good for your skin ingredients such as My Chelle.
17. Big pores call for deep cleaning every once in awhile. This morning while loving myself I did a quick charcoal nose peel while drying my hair. And after making my # 8 about my new hair shampoo I must say after a week of using it faithfully my hair feels amazing!  It took a week of feeling greasy, heavy, and itchy but after blow drying it this morning it feels so soft. Now hopefully my scalp doesn't itch by the evening.
18. I think I love and feel loved with food. I'm pretty sure that's irrational.
19. I have hot flashes a lot and for that reason I am dreading the hot dog days of summer unless I am on the water of course then it needs to be HOT.
20. It is 12:32pm and I have now officially questioned my plan for the first time...already...
21. Painting today to fill my time and the void of food and conversing with God a lot!
22. It's 12:44pm... I'm not hungry but I sure do want to eat something good and comforting. I never eat pudding, why do I want pudding??
23. After shopping for veggies for my juices the next couple of days and taking advantage of our local juice bar/produce store I feel lots better. See, food makes me feel loved.
24. Had a small glass of my homemade kombucha with fresh pineapple juice. Mmmmm
25. Tom and I walked 34 minutes today. I asked him what were his earliest memories about food. Interesting. My stomach is now growling and I am hungry so I am drinking a bottle of kombucha.
26. Pre-made about 8 servings of juice this evening.
27. It is now 5:29 and I'm pretty hungry!
28. I'm retiring early in front of the tv tonight while running some stress away in the diffusor.
29. It takes a great deal of strength to choose weakness.
30. I am going to Nana's in Chicago after these 30 days is over as a reward!



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