Day 28 and hunger pains

I had almond butter yesterday with my juices and I feel like I cheated big time. Have to think on that one more today. I slept well and my fingers are still stiff this morning but not as painful. My stomach is growling like crazy but I don't feel hungry??  Have to research that too. I made 2 different juices enough for 3 days and I mix and match those. I feel like the less choices I have the more I will keep it up.

73 blood sugar
mild ketones upon rising

I can already tell that the time I am not focusing on food allows me to see ALL the other things I need to fast. Things like bad emotions, bad attitudes, a complaining spirit, unrest, worry.

Oh LORD rid me of's ugly.

Do something drastic to your sin. Or your sins will do something drastic to you.

Today has been quit easy I am scared to say. I did have art classes straight from 10-3 and then had a girls day getting ready to wrap 120 bars of soap for Bryce and Sara's wedding shower. I had a juice before classes started and then about 5:00 I had a huge juice with almond butter, lots of it and I am about to have some hot tea. I am not all that hungry. I do want to eat but I'm not hungry. The rain kept us from our walk today. My head seems clearer today and I really think that is from gluten. Shampoo is still working good and my head isn't itchy like it was a couple days ago. My energy is even still so hope that keeps up since I am still drinking my half-caf coffee and adding in along butter for protein.

Waiting to hit a brick wall in the next few days but that's me always looking for the worst.


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